Jumapili, 22 Mei 2016

AliKiba and Leading TV Cookery Personality

By Newsroom on May 23, 2016 
*Music Sensation AliKiba and Leading TV Cookery Personality Marion Elias join the Food Revolution – see them cooking live on Facebook at 4pm local time on Friday 20th May
*9 per cent of boys and 12 per cent of girls under the age of 20 in Tanzania are classed as overweight and obese in 2013.Music Sensation AliKiba and Leading TV Cookery Personality Marion Elias...
Music Sensation AliKiba and Leading TV Cookery Personality Marion Elias…ON Food Revolution Day, Jamie Oliver and numerous famous faces including the campaign’s Global Champions music sensation AliKiba and leading television cookery personality Marion Elias, will be calling for people around the world to sign up to the Food Revolution. Jamie and his army of revolutionaries will be putting pressure on governments at the World Health Assembly meeting in Geneva on 23rd May to tackle the child nutrition crisis.In a move that Jamie Oliver has called a “game-changer”, he and numerous other well-known personalities, will take to Facebook Live on 20thMay for a 7-hour cooking marathon. The aim is to encourage people to join them in a full-scale, global Food Revolution – a major part of which will be giving people power to lobby their own governments to fight diet-related disease. Jamie Oliver says:
“The last 15 years have been tough at times. There were a few of us out there asking questions, wanting answers and making a lot of noise but it often felt like no one was listening. But recently we’ve started making headway, governments are beginning to change policies. This Food Revolution Day we’re going to give governments that extra little nudge by running longest-ever Facebook Live campaign, getting millions of people involved from all around the globe. The World is crying out for action and there has never been a better time to make changes to save millions of lives.”
AliKiba from Tanzania says:
“It’s great to be involved in the Food Revolution this year. It’s particularly important to us here in Tanzania as we are experiencing a child nutrition crisis – on one hand we’ve got millions of kids being severely undernourished, and on the other hand, more and more Tanzanian kids are becoming obese – if we’re going to combat this crisis we have to do it as one.Food Revolution Day 2016 in Tanzania...
Food Revolution Day 2016 in Tanzania Leading Tanzanian TV Cookery Personality Marion Elias says: “I am delighted to be involved in Food Revolution Day, I can’t wait to start cooking some tasty, nutritious food. By having these cooking demonstrations we are doing our part to educate, on a practical level, the people of Tanzania about good nutrition.”
Currently 41 million children under five are overweight while another 159 million are too undernourished to grow properly: we are in the middle of a global health crisis. Food Revolution Day, now in its 5th year, aims to provoke discussion and inspire positive, meaningful change in the way we access, consume and understand food.
Starting in kitchens at home and moving up to the highest levels of business and government, Jamie believes people must work together to empower children with the nutritional knowledge and resources they need to live healthier, happier lives.
Undernutrition is still widespread in Tanzania, obesity is on the rise with 9 per cent of boys and 12 per cent of girls under the age of 20 being classed as overweight and obese in 2013*. The government needs to step up its efforts in tackling the crisis.
That’s why Jamie and AliKiba and Marion Elias want people in Tanzania to join the Food Revolution and ask their government to ensure there is strong Tanzanian leadership at the World Health Assembly meeting on 23rd May where The Minister for Health, Community, Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, Hon. Ummy Ally Mwalimu will represent Tanzania just three days after Food Revolution Day.

Hakuna maoni:

Chapisha Maoni